
Happy Birthday To One Cool Ghoul

Hey Y'all!


Today is the birthday of one of my all-time favorite maniacs! 

Mr. John Zacherle (AKA John Zacherley, AKA Zacherle, AKA Zacherely, AKA Roland, AKA he's gotta lotta names!) is one of the original, and arguable one of the most influential Horror Hosts.

Yours GHOULY first saw great Zacherle, on glorious VHS (The CHosen Format, as I like to call it), many many moons ago.  And I'd be a lying mongrel if I didn't admit I was instantly starstruck!  Horror, humor, great skits, and of corpse - great ol' movies!  Not to mention his forays in music and radio (check out his hit novelty song, Dinner With Drac, below)!

Hell - he's largely responsible for the ridiculous mess I find myself in, now!

Going strong n' sinister since 1954, Mr. Zacherle celebrates his 97th birthday today!  Let's all give a Chiller Cheer to the Original Cool Ghoul!



Listen to Our Howlin' Good Music!

Hey Creeperinos! 

We're so HEXcited to share some of brand-spankin' new show music!

Courtesy of the fangtastic Marquis Howell II, these diabolical ditties are a perfect fit for the Shiver Show's unique brand o' lunacy!

These songs, which feature a new theme song(!!!) will soon be a part of the new show, helping to add to the atmosphere of buffoonery that the Shiver Show is infamous for! And they are just the tip of the icky iceberg of what's to come!  

Here is just a terrifying taste of what's coming to the show -- feast yers ears:

You can check out the rest of the new snippets on our new MUSIC PAGE!

Howlin' Marquis Howell is a real class act, a musical dynamo, and we're happy as Hell to have him join our motley crew of maniacs!  Check out his Facebook page here:



7 Days To Halloween, Halloween, Halloween...

"...Sil-ver Shamrock!"

Hoo, boy! This Halloween has been one fer the books! 

Over the past few months, yours Ghouly has been one busy beast! In addition to revivin' the show, the Creeps and I have been making the rounds at the local Horror Conventions, doing interviews, and getting started on some Top-Secret Projects.  

We've been SO busy, in fact, that we've almost forgotten to enjoy ourselves!

Fangfully, we've still managed to find time fer some fun and frivolity. And here, with only a week left of the Halloween season, we'd thought we'd share some of our favorite things we've enjoyed this Frightful Fall. So, without further adieu: 

1.)  Pumpkin Spice Donuts. 

Yer ol' uncle may not be yer typical "basic bitch", as the kids say... But seriously, y'all.  Pumpkin Spice Donuts.  Find them. Eat one. Have another. Change yer miserable lives fer the better.  

2.) That Scary Clown from American Horror Story.

I'm usually not the kinda feller to be followin' the consensus, like this, but yeah - the feller's creepy as all Hell.  I mean: 


He's like a cross between Capt. Spaulding, Zippy The Pinhead, and John Wayne Gacy.  He also has a slight Zodiac thing goin' on to me, although there's probably another reason for that...

Anyhoo - this is my kinda feller.... Creepy as heck! 



Just ike yer typcial haunted maze. But with more Maize!  Ha!  Get it?

Our own local Haunted Maize, on Sauvie's Island. Go check it out! 

Our own local Haunted Maize, on Sauvie's Island. Go check it out! 

For local PDXers, the "Haunted Maize"(See, they get a good joke!) on Sauvie's Island's a pretty KILLER maze, and quite popular. Check out their site here:

4.) This Classic Disney Short. 

I've seen this dang thing more times than I can count, since it first premiered in 1929.  But somehow, it never gets old!

Okay! More Halloween-ish fun, to come...!





Hey creeps!   I wanted to officially introduce you to my main manster, and co-chost, DR. Z! 


Most you folks know yer ol' Uncle Eerie by now )otherwise, why are ya readin' this???) .  But what about this Right-Claw man,  DR. ZEE? How much do you know about the Shiver Show's dutiful co-host, and resident Mad Scientist??? 

Zee is to Sci-Fi, what Eerie is to Horror.  Zee lives and breathes all thing ray guns, atomic beasts, and time travel, the same way yours ghouly embodies all things That Go Bump In The Night.  He is the Ying yer ol' old uncle's Yang 

You can read more about Zee in our CAST section.  And learn more about Zee, along with the rest o' our cast o' creeps, on the show

Until next time - STAY EERIE!











Hey y'all! Welcome to the new site!  Take a look around, and enjoy all the creepy, weird, and terrifying stuff we got fer ya! 

Also - heck back very soon, for some very important information regarding the show, and some HEX-tremely HEX-citin' news!  

Until next time - STAY EERIE!


