Welcome, boils and ghouls, to THE SHIVER SHOW, the Pacific Northwest's premiere horror show - With A TWIST!
contuning in the grand tradition of tv horror horror hosts, such as Vampira and John Zacherely, your host Uncle Eerie, his craven cohort Dr. Zee, and the rest of the ghoulish gang bring you the best of the worst of horror ,science-fiction, and exploitation films.
But wait - that's not ALL!
A NOW kind of horror program, for the digital age, The SHIVER SHOW Puts some new twists on an old favorite!
Uncle Eerie's Shiver Show is a multi-format horror/comedy show. the show exists as a hosted horror film showcase, a live sppokshow, and as an online video blog.
With the SHIVER SHOW, you can expect campy horror and scifi, rock music, Fortean News, and more to the mix! Eerie and his Gang Guignol poke fun at horror film trope, bad novels, and everything in between.
Featured segments include, "Bad Thoughts", "Everything You Wanted To Know About Scary Movies (But Were Afraid To Watch)", and "Modern Home Dying". There's even Special GHOST...I mean, GUEST Interviews!
You can find our Youtube Channel HERE! Otherwise, read on for more insidious information --
- UE
One Good-Lookin' Corpse.
Eerie Lee Shivers is the host of the Shiver Show. He is a ghoulish Southern Gentleman from the Deep South (like, REALLY DEEP SOUTH), who now makes his home in the wilds of Northwest Northwest area.
Eerie - or, Uncle Eerie, as he has come to be known - is a mustachioed monster with a penchant for western suits, twangy guitars, and swinging an ax at anyone who crosses him.
And of course - he enjoys horror films - the good and the very, very bad...
Eerie has been a lot of things throughout his long years as a ghoul - graverobber, carnie, country western singer, truckdriver, snake oil salesman, professional medical cadaver... Truth be told, though (and not that you'd ever hear it from him), but Eerie wasn't much good at any of these things. In fact, the only thing thatEerie has ever been good it has been being a television personality. Of course, that's not saying much....
( *Medical License Revoked in 1974)
The Doctor is In...sane!
Dr. Zee is technically the co-host of the Shiver Show - although, some may argue that he's actually the more competent of the two, and is at the vert least Eerie's equal partner.
Dr. Zee's past is shrouded in mystery... although it is known that he was born and raised in Germany, he is much older than he appears, and he is currently one of Interpol's Most Wanted.
The Bad Doctor is a scatterbrained inventor with a tenuous grasp of reality. However, you should never underestimate ZEE, as he has been known to build a successful Death Ray, on occasion.
Hank is eerie's neighbor, from the shack down the road. He may or not be the inspiration for a famous urban legend.
hanks likes sharp objects, fluffy kittens, and being left alone. he hates the mailman, and the voices in his head that tell him to do things.
The Egnimatic Mrs. Cliborne.
Rebecca is a master of making things look good! In addition to handling Hair & Makeup duties for the show, Rebecca is also on the head production artists! Check out her Fang-Tastic art HERE!
When not making the world a prettier (and more putrescent) place, Rebecca enjoys listening to music, going to concerts, visiting cemeteries, and playing with her lil' fruitbat of a dog, Casey.
Matt is your typical tech-loving weirdo. He spends most of his work life in front of a computer.
In his free time in front of his computer, Matt...Also spends his time in front of his computer.
When he can pry himself from a world of codes and programs, MAtt likes to refurbish his winnebago, and PLAY with his two dogs, Trouble and Lucky as well as his various other pets.
Marquis W. Howell, II writes & performs music for people with good taste. A regular musician for the Disney behemoth along with ongoing membership of several top tier vintage & odd bands. Janet Klein's 1920s-esque Parlor Boys, The Musical Clusterbomb of Hobo Jazz, Jonathan Stout's Campus Five Swing Orchestra all claim Marquis as a member. Recently landed a composing job with Maker Studios with more in the works. He is glad to finally be working with the great Uncle Eerie.
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A man of mystery, Joseph spends his time in a locked basement, feverishly typing as fast as his brain can work, coming up with all of the crazy scenarios he can dream up, to put eerie & co. into.
When not acting as a hermit, joseph enjoys watching "big trouble in little china" and giving his cat cohen his daily insulin shots.
Along with Joseph, Zach handles writing chores for the show, using his natural talents for sarcasm and misanthropy for the good of the show.
Zach spends his free time as the leader singer and songwriter of the Industrial Rock band, DEAD ANIMAL ASSEMBLY PLANET (DAAP), and recently as the guest vocalist for the industrial band HexRx.
Uncle Eerie's Shiver Show officially began in 2009 As a series of live "Spookshows", continuing a tradition of combining Cinema shows with live performances, a trend prominent through the 1930s up until the late 1960's. Uncle Eerie's Shiver show combined live comedy skits, music, burlesque, and trivia contests, with classic horror and cult films. The Shiver SHow performed a number of these shows throughout the portland, Oregon area, throughout 2009.
in 2010, the shiver show made its debut on public access television, as a creature feature/horror host program. While The horror host show came after the live performance, it was the television format that was at the heart of its creation. following in the footsteps of famous regional shows hosts as zacherley ("the cool ghoul"), Vampira, Ghoulardi, and countless others, Uncle Eerie's Shiver show carried on a legacy of keeping classic genre films in the public eye, while infusing a modern spirit and comedic sensibility (with a little dose of DIY mentality for good measure).
The television show went on extended hiatus in 2012. since then, uncle eerie and his crew have continued to perform live. in 2014 the show began preproduction on a new, web-based series.